Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blogging in Classrooms???

Blogging is pretty new to me. I haven't ever heard of it before this computer class. Many schools are using blogger. However i feel blogger shouldn't be used in elementary schools. Kids are already to grown already. I believe its almost like chat lines because you could be communicating with strangers.
There are many problems with blogging. One problem would be schools not having enough computers for all the students in the class. Another problem would be getting the children accounts set up. It would be very time consuming. There is one positive aspect however. The teacher would know who is absent easily if everyone could post a quick sentence in class.

1 comment:

Jad505 said...

I think you'r ideas about blogging are good, but I also think if you watch them carefully and only let them on a limited time frame, they could post and comment a blog and then get off! But every person is different when it comes to what they think will benefit their students and/or child.