Thursday, February 22, 2007


I had so mush fun for Mardi Gras. I partied so much that i don't feel like partying anymore. I made margaritas for my friends. I caught beads, bears, and moon pies.


K. Leytham said...

I can definately aggree! Partying is out of the question for at least a while. It took me about three days to recover from my Mardis Gras celebrating.

rrb302 said...

Maybe I will be a fan of Mardi Gras when my kids are older!

lauren said...

im glad you had a blast for mardi gras! i promise im coming back to class lol! hope all os going well!

Laura Eubanks said...

Hey Ariel! This is Laura Eubanks, I reviewed your website for the class. It wasn't working, but I think that was partly not your fault, so anyway when it gets up I'll review it again. You can get to my blog by clicking . see ya in class thursday! bye now!