Thursday, February 22, 2007


I had so mush fun for Mardi Gras. I partied so much that i don't feel like partying anymore. I made margaritas for my friends. I caught beads, bears, and moon pies.

International Schools Blogging

Some of the most interesting weblogs are created as cooperative or
group projects. In this case, the weblog "owner" can give "posting
rights" to other people, and their "posts" may or may not (depending
on the "rights" assigned by the owner) be reviewed before they are
"published" to the Web page. Some weblogs are set up in such a way
that only the owner or the owner and certain other people have posting
rights, but anyone else can add comments to the posts. An example of a
cooperative weblog is ComLib ,
created in the spring of this year by students in the "Computers and
Libraries" course at the
University of Iceland . ComLib carried news about
web sites related to the use of information technology in libraries.
All of the students in the class posted messages to the weblog, but it
was not set up to allow comments from people outside the ComLib Team.
Another cooperative weblog is the Illinois Library Association's ILA
RTSF Technology Users Group Web Logger - The Forum
which aims to provide community
Web space for the here for international school blogger

Thursday, February 15, 2007

blogging in the United States

Will Richardson’s weblogg– collects information and dialogue on implementing weblogs in the classroom. Richardson, a teacher at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in New Jersey, uses blogs for both a journalism class and a literature class. In the journalism class, students collect news stories to write about and then edit each other’s work. In the literature class, students comment and critique class readings. For Richardson, blogs allow his students to be more aware of their writing and their audience (Kennedy, 2003).

Blogs can be used in many different age groups. J.H. House Elementary School in Conyers, Georgia uses a blog [2] to encourage writing for third–graders. The teachers use to blog to spotlight select writings of children. Similarly, Buckman Arts Magnet Elementary School [3] in Portland, Oregon uses blogs to create a portal for all classrooms. The blog links among each teacher, showcasing photographs, student artwork and classroom news.clickhere

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blogging in Classrooms???

Blogging is pretty new to me. I haven't ever heard of it before this computer class. Many schools are using blogger. However i feel blogger shouldn't be used in elementary schools. Kids are already to grown already. I believe its almost like chat lines because you could be communicating with strangers.
There are many problems with blogging. One problem would be schools not having enough computers for all the students in the class. Another problem would be getting the children accounts set up. It would be very time consuming. There is one positive aspect however. The teacher would know who is absent easily if everyone could post a quick sentence in class.

Spring Break

I am so ready for spring break. I know the semester just started but i need a break from this school work. It seems to never quit coming. When i become a teacher i am not going to forget about my years of my imbearable load of school work but i still keep motivated and do stress relieving methods to keep me strong. Click on the link below for tips on stress.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I'm posting my blog with no problems.

Its Finally Cold Outside

I'm glad its finally cold outside because i got a new coat for christmas and i have been waiting to wear it. I wonder how long is it going to stay cold.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Just Making Sure It Works

Its Wednesday night and i'm just making sure my blogger works before class tomorrow. I dont want to hold up the class.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I finally got it to work

Hooray!! I'm with the class now. I know not to use AOL anymore.

A New Blog

My first blog disappeared into Google and has not been seen since. So here is my Blog #2.